Tuesday, June 13, 2006

5 hours again!

Last night, Wes slept 5 hours again! Too bad it's in the first half of the night. I still have to get up at around 1am. But, beggers can't be choosers. One more hour of sleep, and one less feeding is better than none. Now he just needs to sleep longer than 4am for the next feed. Well, last night he did come out of his swaddle and I'm assuming that was what woke him up so early. He is such a squirmy worm! He's living up to his chinese name "strong fighter". This Miracle Blanket is supposed to help him not get out of his swaddle. It's a lot better than the other cheapy ones, but he's like Houdini. He's now able get out of this too.

Weird how his sleeping seems to coincide with when he turned 12 weeks exactly! I'm still worried this might be just a tease. I'll believe it when we reach a week of the same thing.

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