Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Yesterday, we went to our first family social event in San Francisco for Mother's Day. This is the first time we've driven Wes on such a long hour drive. Luckily he tends to sleep during the car rides. We took off around 11am, went to visit my Popo at her nursing home. She seemed really happy to see the baby, also saying that he had big eyes. Wes did pretty well. He was awake for most of the time. He did have a couple of fussy could tell it was because he was tired, but was fighting sleep. His eyelids and under his eyes start to get red. He was able to take a couple of catnaps, but it was only for 15 mins at a time..not enough. By the time we got home around 4pm, it was time to feed him again. Tried to get him back on his routine and it took twice as long to get him wound-down for bedtime after his bath at 8pm. But apparently, he slept longer. Jay didn't feed him til Midnight! Usually Jay feeds him at 10:30pm. Course Wes still got up at 3:30am and 6am to eat. If only Wes could sleep those 4 hours starting at 10:30! I can't wait til that happens! I know he's not ready for it yet. He's trying to eat more, but is now spitting up. His tummy just can't handle the extra milk.

Right now he's sleeping...still fitful. I got him down at 9:30, he woke up at 10, gave him his pacifier again, woke up at 10:30, brought himself back down to sleep's 10:50..still trying to figure him out. Now I can get him down for naps, but they are short or broken. Do I try now to keep him awake longer so he'll sleep more? Or will it make him more fussy and he won't nap at all? It would be so much easier if he came with instructions! Hard for myself to take a nap since it seems he's only sleep a 1/2 hour at a time. I can barely get settled and he's up crying.

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