Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wes' First Cold

Poor Wesley! He got his first cold the night before. On Monday night we was fussy going to bed after his bath (which is unusual). Then in his Cradle, he was sounding all congested. Sounded like he was having a hard time breathing. So, there I am, laying in bed listening to him all night. I couldn't sleep. I was so worried. So finally at 6:30am yesterday I call the Advice Nurse. Since he is only 5 weeks and it being the first time where I wasn't too sure about the questions she was asking; I had to get Jay up and drive us to the Emergency (they want someone else to drive so you can observe the baby). So, Jay took off work that day. We get to the ER, no one there when we got there, but it took us about 30 minutes to be seen! It's hard waiting in the ER if it is for you, but with your own child, it's agonizing! I still don't understand the long wait when you're going to the EMERGENCY. They finally brought us in. We get an RN and a trainee! Great! Everytime I go to the hospital with Wes, we get a Trainee. So, of course it takes a little while longer with the trainee. They weren't prepared ahead of time to take his vitals. Basically, he didn't have a fever (good)and his congestion wasn't life threatening. They then send us over to the clinic for a Dr. check up. Jay had to walk with the baby carrier across the street and to the next building where we had to wait again for the Dr. (15 mins) The Dr sees him says he's mildly congested, to give him saline drops for his nose, elevate his head, and to use a humidifier and it should be gone in 2-3 days. That's it?!? I feel like I should be given some medicine to help him feel better. Also, 2-3 days seems so short. What about a cough afterwards? What do I do then? Is he also going to get an ear infection after this? sigh..thoughts of a worried first time mommy.

Oh forgot to tell the good news..they weighed him and he's now 8 lbs 9 oz!

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