Monday, April 17, 2006

The Nights just might be getting better

I hope this statement is true! I think I might be finally getting in the swing of things on night time feedings. Wes seems to be feeding every 2.5 to 3 hours (meaning I'm getting maybe 2 to 2.5 hours of sleep). This has been going on for 3 nights now. Generally I think I'm better able to function during the day with maybe a small catnap. I don't seem to be feeling that nausea feeling anymore. I almost feel like my normal self again.

Jay went back to work again today. He's currently working Mon-Wed, with Thurs and Fri off. This week will be my first "full" week without anyone til Thursday. Last week, I only had Wednesday to myself. So, we'll see how this goes with just me and him all day for 3 days. I sound so spoiled..I was :) It's been nice to be able to get about an hour to yourself while someone else takes care of the baby. Course at the same time, when you're breastfeeding every 1.5 to 2 hours, it takes up a lot in your day. It almost seems to go pretty thing I know, it's almost 5 pm. Who knows, today I might even be adventurous and try to take Rudy and the Baby for a walk today (very challenging) since it's finally sunny again.

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