Wednesday, April 19, 2006

One Month Old

Wow! I can't believe he's one month old today - and in his 5th week! I think he's getting heavier. My left wrist has pretty much gone out and my right one is starting to hurt too. I've also notice his arms are getting chubbier..the crease lines are starting to come in (juicy!). It took a while, but I'm really starting to bond with him. I think after the trauma of birth, lack of sleep, shock that you have a newborn, learning to breastfeed and care for him; it takes a while to have a breather and really marvel at your child. He's gaining more control over his head each day. I can't wait until this happens. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out and catch where his head is going's like a moving target! Whoa! Whoa! He also seems to be going bald on top. His curl by his forehead is disappearing. He was having Cradle Cap, so as we were brushing his head, all this flaky skin came off (and I think his hair too)! Yikes! (I know, TMI) Hopefully he'll get his curl back soon (since now it looks like, as Jay says, a baby mullet)

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