Wednesday, March 08, 2006

39 Weeks

Well, he's still not here. Last Tuesday when I went to the Dr.'s, I was 2 cm dialated and 75% effaced. He was also able to touch the baby's head. His prediction was that the baby would arrive within the week. NOPE....Nada. I had anxiously been awaiting the contractions. Yes, I've been getting contractions, but only when I'm in bed at night. During the day, they disappear. So much for everyone hoping he'd arrive on the weekend. Apparently, he's taking his time. He seems to be laid back like his daddy.

I had my appointment with the Dr. today. What are the results? I'm still the same! AND, it looks like my cervix might have moved back. The Dr. could've sworn it had moved forward last week. I'm resigned to believe that the baby is either going to come next week or be late and have us go to the hospital in the middle of the night. I think he wants to mess up everybodys schedules and predictions! I guess I'm already learning that the baby is not always going to go by what you want. I'm learning I have to be flexible and patient about it. Maybe he'll be better natured if he's cooking longer!

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