Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Well, What Did the Dr. Say?

Jay went with me for my 40 Week check up. Today is the Due Date. The Dr. did an ultrasound to see if my amniotic fluid was too low. Finds out that everything is OK. But, I've only dialated MAYBE and ALMOST 3 cm. Guess it sounded more like 2 1/2. Big Progress, huh? So, that was a little disappointing. It's better than staying the same. He was surprised I still had not had the baby yet. He stripped my membranes again to see if it will bring the labor hopefully sometime this week. If not, what's the next step? Well, I have an appointment again next Tuesday Morning, the 21st. They'll do a non-stress test on me to see if the baby is ok and will probably schedule an induction before I hit 42 weeks. So, I guess it's good news. At least if he's not here by then, I'll know the latest he will arrive.

Each Day that I wait, the more I'm feeling like this is how it always will be. Me with a Big Tummy and uncomfortable. It's hard to imagine what it will be like to have a baby in this house or to really go into labor or how our lives will really change. The longer the wait, the more I think and the more worried I get. I haven't really felt any contractions this week, so I can't really anticipate the big day. Everyone says how wonderful it will be..I just can't relate to it right now. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into.

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