Thursday, January 19, 2006

8 Months

Wow! I can't believe I'm 8 months pregnant this week! I'm going to try and take a week off before my due date (March 6th). Therefore, I only have 6 more weeks of work left! It's getting so close and I don't feel ready for the baby yet. I had a dream that he had dark hair on his head. Although, I really am curious as to what he looks like.

This past weekend Jay and I went to IKEA to get a smaller desk so that we could move it into our bedroom. Course we bought more stuff than just the desk (always seems to happen). But, we found a couple of things for the baby's room. One was these small square white shadow boxes that I was able to put Sail Boat Ornaments in them. They fit perfectly. We were able to re-arrange things. Now all we need is the Glider from Jenny and to put up the Sail Boats and convert the comforter into a Wall Hanging. Later, I caught Jay just standing in the doorway looking in the baby's room a couple of times. It was cute.

I also had this weird dream last night. I was given a martini that had Anchovies and Green Olives in it. I thought it was really good and wanted another one. I know, eeewwww. I also had a craving at dinner last night. Some women have a craving and have their husbands go to the grocery store or fast food place to pick up some kind of fattening food. Mine was weird. I had Jay make me frozen corn with Lime Juice, Butter, and Salt! It was soo GUUUDDDD! Jay was amazed I ate it all (this is after I ate my dinner)..apparently he used half of the bag of corn! I do, though, have to have something sweet every day.

It's funny. People are still suspecting and finally asking if I'm pregnant. My Dental Hygenist even asked when I HAD the baby.

Next Monday we will have our Booby Feeding Class. I'll post how that goes.

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