Monday, May 24, 2010

The Playground Diaries part 2 (or should it be Playground Wars?)

Jay: Wes was cute when I got dressed. He came walking up and said, “Why do you have that tie on?” So I told him and that he was going to lydia's for an hour and then I would pick him up and we could have quiet time at home. He was cool with it. Then when I picked him up, I thanked him for being a good boy so I could go to the meeting. He just said, “Oh Ok daddy.”
Mickie: I think that was the first time he's seen you in a tie
Jay: maybe
Jay: then on the way home he said, “Daddy, you can’t go to the play ground in THAT shirt.”
Jay: He wanted to play with the boys, but got more than he bargained for.

Jay: the little kid was bad today
Mickie: oh no
Jay: his mom is clueless
Mickie: do tell
Jay: he was grabbing Wesley by the shirt. He tried to push him off the boingy motorcycle. His mom told him to stop. So he picked up an umbrella and was going to hit Wes with it. Wes was alsorunning away from him saying, “Don’t push me!” They ran to me and the boy was saying, “ Your name is ass kicker!” I scolded him and said,” You don’t call people names like that. I will tell your mom.” So I did.
I said he was saying bad words. She asked and I said he was calling Wes “Ass”.
Mickie: :O
Jay: she said, “Oh no. That is from cartoon network. (Then she says) Sometimes he hears me tell his dad I will kick his ass but he never uses the word.” I almost lost it. I did say,” I use to swear a lot, but now I keep it clean. I don’t want those words used around him.” She said, “Oh no, it’s not a bad word.” Ok then, time to go Wes. I almost told her a bad word. Geezed, to tell your husband you are going to kick his ass…but every woman seems to avoid her. I might start going to another play ground
[3:19:21 PM] Jay: Wesley is taking his lumps at the play ground. Today a nice kick to the nose from a 2 year old as he got off the slide. He took it like a man and just said, "Hey you are not suppose to kick people!" and went back for another run on the slide. Then asked where the little monster was that he was playing with yesterday. I guess he can take it? I'm just waiting for the day he hauls off and smacks some one back.
Jay: Don’t worry ,no blood. The kid’s dad apologized. The boy was mad coz Wes was having fun with the Russian kid.

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