Wes has figured out that he enjoys sucking his thumb. I think he's been using it to sometimes self-soothe himself when he's sleeping. We were able to get him out of the swaddle and now I'm using a sleep sack. Unfortunately, he still hasn't gotten back to longer naps and longer sleep. For naps, it seems to still be only for 1/2 hour, unless I'm driving with him somewhere. For the last two nights, Jay has been doing a "dream feed" at 10pm. This is where you feed the baby while they are still sleeping. This, so far has actually help. For the last 2 nights where he's going to bed around 8:30, he's been getting up at 1am and at 2am. Without the dream feed, he was waking up around 11:30pm. We're going to keep this up and see how it goes.
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