Today was Wes' first real visit at Daycare. We got there around 9am. I thought it was strange that there was only one child there before us. What time do these parents have to work? Right now the only 2 babies there is Wes and the Provider's grand-daughter (almost 2 months). We put them face to face and they just stared at each other. Wes did really good when the other kids showed up. He just watched them as they came in. When the toddlers were playing a game, it almost seemed like he wanted to join them while on the provider's lap. She suggested leaving him for a hour there and I agreed. I thought better start this now and get it over with. I was surprised that I felt totally comfortable with it. I feel good that I chose her. So, for an hour, I went down the street, got a coffee and actually bought a Top! When was the last time I bought clothes for myself? When I was pregnant. When I came back, he was talking to her and looked happy. He did fuss a little. They thought he was hungry at first, then realized he was tired. He didn't take a nap there, though. They also said that they put the babies on their backs side by side and they held hands! How cute! They had to take a picture of that! Guess Wes has a girlfriend! My Ladies Man! They also said how Easy Going he is and how well he's doing. Whew! I think I'll really worry when he stays there for a longer time and they will have to put him down for his nap. That will happen soon. Tomorrow and Wednesday, we're going again for a couple hours in the morning. Thursday and Friday we will be going in the afternoon instead. Then all next week, he will gradually stay there longer and longer to where Thursday and Friday he will be there all day. I'll probably be a nervous wreck next week. I'm glad she suggested we gradually ease him into it. It just confirms that I picked the right person. I know he is adjusting though. When we got home, he was sleepy, and then he cried a couple of times after I put him down. Too much stimulation for him in just a couple of hours. Hopefully he'll keep sleeping as well as he has the last 3 nights. He's been getting up at around 4 and 6! Yea Wes! Keep it up!
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