Jay: I told wes grammy was coming
he got mad
"No we go find grammy's house."
"How can we find the airplane?"
Well, looks like our boy is ready for Christmas down in Southern California! He's been wanting to see what his Grammy's house looks like after her last visit.
So tomorrow will be one week since potty training..(yes, we've been late on this). But despite the lateness, he's been doing really well. He's taken to it a lot faster than I hoped. At first, he was having issues with going in a place other than his home. At daycare they asked him if he had to go potty. He told them, "I only pee-pee at home". Luckily, he got over that by Wednesday. And despite him having an issue with #2 at home (which is has also told daycare, "I only poo-poo at home"), he did it last night! Next agenda, Nighttime and going to the potty at a public restroom.
Even though we're thinking of enrolling him in pre-school in Fall of 2010, I'm already having to research pre-schools. I thought I could wait until the beginning of the year. Nope. It's so crazy! There was one preschool that has one Open House in the beginning of January! How crazy is that?!?
I had found some old measuring cups and measuring spoons. I gave it to Wes last week. I couldn't believe how excited he got. He was shouting, "Daddy! I need Salt! I need Sugar! I need Flour! I need my Ladder! (so he can work on the prep table)" He was all ready to make some crazy cooking concoction. Guess we might have an Iron Chef on our hands. Last time he made some mash potato/gravy/goldfish cracker/candy sprinkles from a cupcake...yum. Another time it was flour, soy sauce, and candy sprinkles from a cupcake. Boy, that was was nasty. He tried to get us to taste it, we told him no, you try. As picky as he is, he actually tried it! Course he made a face afterwards knowing that his recipe was a bomb.
Oh and if you haven't seen this already on Facebook, here is Wes' tiger costume that I had to alter since it was a 12-18 month old costume. He only wanted this one because it had a hoodie and zipper on it.
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