After looking at all the rodents, fish, and reptiles; we trek over to the dog toys. Wes grabs a stuffed squirrel. Jay asks Wes, “Oh, is this for Rudy?” “No.” “But these are toys for Rudy” Wes replies, “No, Rudy has his toys. This is mine”. Aye Ya. So, no animal for Rudy, but maybe with Wes having this furry squirrel, he won’t need my pony tail as a security blanket. We finally got a name out as to what this squirrel’s name is. It’s “Skuirel”. Apparently, I need to teach my son about the proper way on how to name his stuff animals. Hmmm, or maybe it’s a girl thing to name your stuff animals?
That night, I caught Jay lovingly tucking in “Skuirel” in a blanket for Wes to find in the morning. I enjoy these little surprises that he does:

Wesley has a fascination with “Bood-dies”. I got a Victoria Secret catalog in the mail the other day. Wes looks over my shoulder, smiling, as I’m flipping through the pages. As I set it down on the couch, he takes the magazine and starts flipping through the pages with his flashlight whispering “bood-dies”…”bood-dies”. Jay is watching him with a smug look on his face, thinking that’s my boy, he’s starting early!
Later that day, Wes says, “I want to see male Bood-dies.” I said out loud to myself, “What is he talking about?” Jay replies, painfully, “He was looking at the TV. He saw (the commercial for) the Biggest Loser.” OH!!! HA, HA! I said, “I guess you’ll have to tell him the difference between female bood-dies and male bood-dies.” “Yea, female bood-dies, good. Male bood-dies, not good.”
I thought about that “Bood-die” incident again as we are getting ready for bed and started laughing. Jay replies, distrurbed, “That's not funny.”
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