We visited my parents this weekend. Jamie and Erin came to visit as well. It was such a nice day, we hung out alot in the backyard. Wes and Jamie got to feed the fish in the pond. Then, Wes and Jamie decide to walk over to the side of the house. As I follow them and turned the corner, I see Wesley with a old plunger in his hand. The plunger part was pushed against the side of this face and he's saying., "Hello...Hello?" He was using it as a telephone! EWWWWW!
In other news, I read on a woman's blog about a non toxic way to stop spiders from invading your house. Use Lemon Juice. So decided to try it. I took a lemon and rub some juice into the ceiling corners of my kitchen by my sink. It actually worked! It's been about a couple of weeks and no spiders. The only thing is that I found some more spider webs, on the places I didn't put the juice on. Hmmm..I'm going to have to work on this problem some more.
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