Babies seem to smell like new cars...really good in the beginning. You just want to keep sniffing them. But, then there comes a point when they just don't smell as good as they used to. Besides from the poopy diapers (that's a given), I didn't know that babies could also stink like Cheese. baby does. He can smell Cheesy at times. Thank goodness he gets a bath every night! No one told me that when milk dribbles down his chin and gets caught in his neck folds, he starts smelling like stinky cheese! You know how hard it is to get underneath his chin and into those folds? Babies really don't have much of a neck. Now that his hands are starting to open up, I've also noticed like stinky lint in the folds of his hands. How long has that been there?!? Where does he pick up this lint? Mixed in with some milk that he's wiped his face with his hand...ick! Course this milk is coming from my body, so I'm making him stinky.
The family also went for Wes' 2 month old appointment today. He weighed in at a little over 10lbs and was 21 inches long. Everything was good, except his Cradle Cap, or as we call it "Cradle Crap" (The correct word was a tongue twister - I kept calling it that and it stuck with us. He also got his immuization shots. Poor baby! 2 shots in one leg and one in the other. He did good though. He cried, but wasn't inconsolible. I was able to hold his hand and pop a pacifer in afterwards. I didn't want to traumatize him any more by putting him in his car carrier (which he hates getting into), so I carried him to the garage while Jay took the carrier. So far, he's has slept a long time..2 hours after we got home. Then I fed him at 1:30, and now he's still down and it's 4:00! I probably wake him up at 4:30, if he doesn't wake up by then. I know he needs the sleep cuz they say Sleep begets Sleep. But if he keeps sleeping, there will be no set bedtime! Better sign off so I can prepare when he wakes!
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