Thursday, August 30, 2012

Introducing "A and D Hair Ointment"

The end of ordinary Hair Product.
A and D uses a perfect blend of natural ingredients for more sheen, and manageability for your hair.  It also adds 10 lbs to your face, for that nice buddah face look.



District Letter Update

It's Thursday, and still no letter from the District about who Wesley got as a teacher.  The interesting thing is that our Principal is out of district too.  He got a letter for his daughter, but not for his son!  Funny that it's not just us and funny that's it also happened to the Principal of the school! LOL!

Monday, August 27, 2012

1st Day of School

Today was first day of 1st Grade for Wesley.  I was pretty nervous on the weekend.  We were supposed to get a letter no later than Saturday to tell us who he's having for a teacher.  Most other moms got their letters on Friday and were texting each other who got into who's class. When the mailman came on Saturday, we still did not get our letter.  Then I got worried.  "Is he still enrolled in Farnham?  Was I supposed to re-enroll him?!?"  That night they had a school BBQ and we still couldn't find out where Wesley was going to be.

 Luckily we had a pool party on Sunday to distract us until Monday.  Here's Nathan having his first pool experience.  Although he's not smiling, he was pretty happy in the water.

Monday finally rolls around and we find out he is in a class, Miss Pando.  Whew!  Better yet, he found out his best friend is in the same class as he is.  As of today, still no letter from the district.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Dear Aunty Erin and Uncle Mike,
Thanks for letting me and Wesley come over to your house to play with Jamie and Kaylee.  Also, I wanted to thank you for my Mani & Pedi.  You did a really good job!  My nails are not claws anymore!  I'll see you next weekend for my next  Mani/Pedi appointment!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

11 weeks old

Before I start, happy birthday Erin !

Nathan has been sleeping at night anywhere from 5 to 8 hours during the first part of the night.  He goes to bed at around 7:30 and thankfully is down for a while.  Generally I get up two times before 6 am.  The hard part has been if Wesley also wakes up in the night.  He has in the last month: nosebleed one time, two other times he was too scared to go to the bathroom by himself.  He's also sometimes talks in his sleep, so you'll go to his room, only to find out he's asleep :/
The other hard part has been when putting Nathan down after a feed. He'll start kicking his legs and shaking his head back and forth. He shakes it so much that sometimes the pacifier pops out of his mouth. It probably takes about 30 minutes before he settles down.  He recently started doing this. I don't remember Wes doing that, but maybe I didn't know since this time Nathan is in our room.  All that noise keeps me up until Nathan settles down.  Sometimes I notice the clock and it shows almost an hour has gone by.  It'll be nice once he gets out of this phase.

Wesley has been good with his brother.  In the morning he likes to climb in bed with me.  After Nathan is fed and dressed, jay will put him in bed with us. Wes will play a little with Nate.  Yesterday morning he specifically asked Jay to put him in bed with us. He like to "teach" Nate to kick and punch.

An interesting Thing happened last night. Jay and I were in the kitchen talking.  We left Wesley watching TV and Nathan was strapped to his rocking chair.  It was quiet for a while and when I peeked in the living room, Wesley was pushing the rocking chair around.  Nathan was "driving the car ".  It was so cute to see them "playing" with each other.  So this is what it's like when kids can entertain each other :)  Here's a clip: (excuse the recyclable trash.  We were getting ready for trash night)

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Nathan is 2 Months Old

We went for our Doctor check up today.  Nathan weighs 11 lbs 7.2 oz and is 22.25 inches long.  He came in the 44% in weight, 25% in height, and 75% in the head.  We seem to produce big headed babies :)

Being that he's 11 lbs, I can't believe the story that's told that when babies hit 11lbs, that is the magic number where they sleep through the night.  Although, he's been sleeping longer during the 1st shift (4-5 hours).  Last night he almost made it to 6 hours.  It might have been longer if it wasn't for Cookie, the neighbor's dog, barking at 1am in the morning.  They seem to leave her out at night now, since I've been told that she now barks at anything and nothing.  Guess they got tired of hearing her in the house.

Since he got his shots today, we'll see how he does tonight.  Poor little guy.  3 shots in the legs.  So, the little guy is doing good, chubbin up.  I still can't believe he's in the 44% range in weight!  We had so much trouble trying to getting Wesley just on the chart itself!  He definitely won't be as skinny as Wesley was as a baby.  He's a healthy eater.  3.5 to sometimes 4 oz a feeding.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Nathan is 6 weeks old today

In some ways, I can't believe 6 weeks has passed by.  In others, the upcoming weeks have been slow.  After only 6 weeks of pumping out breast milk, I'm throwing in the towel.  It has become an obsession that has been hard on the family.  For one, I can't keep up with Nathan.  He's eating more than I can produce.  Every time I think I'm catching up to him, he's eating more.  I'm constantly having to add supplement to my breast milk.  Just the other day, I tried to weigh him.  First with me on the scale, then with him.  Since we don't have a digital scale, I'm guesstimating that he's somewhere around 10 lbs!  At his two week check up, he was 21 inches long and 7.8 lbs!  He grew 2 1/2 inches in 2 weeks!

It's been a while..8 weeks

Sorry it's been a while since my last post.  I've been having problems with this Blogger Site.  The did some upgrades and it won't recognize one of my email address that is attached to this account.  I was debating about starting up a new blog, but that also complicates things.  I was finally able to do a work around and I think I can now start reposting on this site.  So annoying.

So, today Nathan is 8 weeks old!  Last night before and after his bath and during bedtime he was so fussy and unconsolable.  We think he was overly tired.  If he napped during the late afternoon/dinner, it was only for 15 minutes to 1/2 hour.  After he cried it out, he finally fell asleep.  He then didn't wake up until 6 hours after his last meal!  1:45 am. I woke up, saw the time, and in my state of being half asleep, freaked out.  He was so still in his crib, so I picked up him up right away and of course he woke up.  It was just instinctual for me to immediately assume something was wrong when it happens in the middle of the night and I can't think clearly. Then he woke at 3:45.  Sheesh.  That one was hard.  He must've been hungry again after that long sleep from before.

Usually I think I've been pretty good with him in the night.  I wake up when he starts to cry, not like Wesley where I would pick him up when he fussed.  I think he's been doing better than Wesley at this age.  I now feed him about every 3 to 3 and half hours at night. Sometimes it can be 4 hours, sometimes it's 2 and half.

As you can see, he's chubbed up.  We have his 2 month old check up on Tuesday.  I'll post his weight and height to see how much he's grown.