Since we didn’t have a tooth for the tooth fairy, we used the plastic tooth necklace case that he got from his teacher (his teacher thinks of everthing!)
I told Wesley that we’re going to put it under his pillow. He asked me how big is the fairy. I said, “umm, Tinkerbell size” He replied, “How is she going to carry the tooth? It will be too big for her.” Then he asked me if she need to see his face. I said no, she’s shy. She likes to come when you’re asleep. He replied, “Good, then I can hide under the covers.”
The next morning…
[7:16:50 AM] Jay: I hear wesley from his room
[7:17:02 AM] Jay: (Wes) Hu? What? Its GONE!
[7:17:13 AM] Jay: (Wes) WOA! HEY DADDY!
[7:17:21 AM] Mickie: (chuckle)
[7:17:30 AM] Jay: (Wes) The tooth fairy came and brought me Pokemon cards
[7:17:55 AM] Jay: (Wes) If you leave a real tooth you get money, if you leave a plastic one you get pokemon cards
[7:18:03 AM] Jay: :D