Thursday, June 17, 2010

Haircut Trauma #3

Jay Hann: Gave Wesley a buzz cut today. Hope he stops crying soon?

(Facebook) Jay: “He asked me two days in a row to cut his hair. So be careful what you ask for kid. Mac-n-cheese helped him get over it. He wanted a "Ben 10" watch. So that got him in the chair. After, he still cried. I even let him keep that darn tail he loves so.”

So when I got home yesterday, Wesley hid in his cardboard box. He didn’t want me to see him. Took him quite a while to get out of the box. I was able to get him out into the backyard, but then he realized people might see him and darted back into the house. It was only when we told him that people won’t see his hair if he wears his bike helmet that he finally went out bike riding.

Later when we got back to take a bath, he told me that he didn’t want his hair washed. He told me, “I don’t want my hair to fall out.” He put two and two together that I see Mommy’s hair in the sink and bathtub, so whatever hair I have left is going to fall out too!

(Facebook: the next day) Jay: “Oh man, I did a bad thing. He is still upset with me. I told him it would grow back and this morning he said, "It isn’t working! My hair is still too short!" Man do I feel like a big jerk. (I told him it takes time to grow a little every day)”

I’ve seen him preen himself in the mirror before when he puts on his baseball cap, but I think this is the first time our son has been embarrassed and self conscious of what others will think. Oh boy, it’s the start of what we’ve been hearing from other parents whose kids are older.