We didn't take Rudy. He had a sleep over at Jill and Dennis' house. This is the 2nd time he has done a sleep over at someone else's house. Thanks guys for watching him.
It was a 3 hour drive down to Pismo. Wes woke up earlier than his usual time of 6:30am and we were able to start off at 8am. For the first 2 hours, I kept Wes entertained. Towards the 3rd hour I had run out of all his toys and books and he started to get cranky. We didn't do a rest stop... in which I was getting worried. I didn't know how I was going to entertain him for ANOTHER hour. Luckily, he started to suck his thumb and fell asleep! Whew! He took about a 45 min nap, so when we got to the hotel, he was already awake.
Our room was ready and we were able to check in right away. Wanda came about a half hour later, we had lunch in the room and next thing we know, it was time for Wes' nap. It took him about 20 minutes to settle down in his Pack n' Play, but he went down and slept his normal 2 hour nap! He was still sleeping by the time Cheryl, Eddie, and the girls arrived.
After his nap, we hit the beach. Wesley was a little weirded out by the sand and kept trying to rub the sand off his toes. But he had a great time sitting on the beach playing with his sand bucket, stabbing the wet sand with his shovel. There was also a man in a speedo..ew! Ok, he did have a nice body, but it's not something I really like to see. We were all pretty turned off by this display. He seemed pretty vain too, I thought. He was running up and down the beach in front of everyone's view, pretending to chase his dog. So, Auntie Cheryl, at the bottom of this blog, we have a pic for you that will rival this man!
He was walking so much by himself this weekend. It seemed to happen in one week. He still wants to hold your fingers when he wants to walk fast! He especially took to Maddie, his cousin, and she helped walk him around (and also got him nice and tired :) )
He did great sleeping. He did wake up and cry a couple of times during the first night, but immediately went back to sleep. We, on the other hand, had a little more trouble. Since he was in a smaller crib, whenever he moved, his limbs would rub against the netting on the crib. We would hear every movement he would make.
Next morning we headed down to the beach again. At first he would cross his legs when we tried to put him down. He just didn't want to touch the sand with his feet. Eventually he put his feet down and started to walk. Wesley held Jay's fingers and they had fun exploring the caves, rocks, and tide pools. He still didn't like the sand on his feet, but loved to sift the wet sand with his fingers in the tide pool.
On the last night, we went to dinner at McClintoks. Cheryl had to call an hour before for reservations, and then she was told we would have to wait another 15 minutes when we arrived. Weird..wouldn't it be better if we just arrived an hour and 15 minutes at the restaurant? So, we tried to go a half hour earlier (5:30), thinking once we were there, we would only have to wait 15 mintues...guess what? They made us wait the entire 1 hour and 15 minutes from when Cheryl first made the reservation on the phone! During the whole dinner, I thought Wes was going to be fussy. But, he did great..had a great time and ate great. Course, who could go wrong with noodles in a creamy sauce. I also forgot to mention, we found out he loves clam chowder! And, over at McClintocks, the busboys pour your water from a high distance. Wes thought this tall blond guy was his hero when he saw what the guy could do. Later, whenever he saw this guy, he would just stare at him.
On the ride back, Wes slept half of the way up, so, again, things weren't too bad. We were able to stop and get some lunch.
Sorry for the long blog. Hope I didn't bore you to tears. And as promised, here is our version of a speedo pic:
"How do you like my abs? Am I too sexy for you?"