Wow..I just found out that it's been more than a year since I started this blog. Another Christmas has come and gone. But, it was Wesley's first Christmas! Very overwhelming for him. We went to Uncle Curtis' and Auntie Rosemary's house for Christmas Eve and Mom and Dad's for Christmas. Wes did great overall. Didn't cry on Christmas Eve, and woke up a couple of times and softly cried for a sec, then went back to sleep. Cried a couple of times for a second on Christmas, but slept quietly thru the night. I was very proud of him. He did really well. Course he got tons of toys, but I think his favorites are the Ball popper from Uncle Harry, the tool kit from Mom and Dad, and his interactive Puppy from Mike and Erin. (Yes, Erin, he loves the puppy you got him. I'll post a video of him mashing the puppy with his face.) We still have a few more to show him again..we're pulling out things slowly since too many toys seem to overwhelm him.
I've been off all this week, but still have to work by checking in remotely from time to time. Since daycare is also off, it's just been me, Wes and Rudy. Today Wes got his 9 month photos done at Sears. Again he did really well. The photographer was a young man this time. I overheard him tell the girl that Wes was a cutie and was the easiest shoot he's done. And, to top that off, he wanted to know if it was OK for him to display one of Wes's photos in the reception area. That was cool! Hope that is not Wes' 5 minutes of fame! I was able to get the photo CD this time (it was a lot cheaper finally - before they wanted $50 a pose on the CD, this time I got it for $30 for all poses) so now I'll be able to post his professional photos. Here's a couple of them. My little man. He looks so much older now that he's standing, but still looks like a baby. I'm going to miss his baby stage.