Friday, June 30, 2006
Post Pregnancy
I got a lot of white hair when I was pregnant. After you have given birth a few months later, you're hair starts to fall out. When you are pregnant, you're hair does not shed like normal due to the hormones. Therefore, thicker hair. Well, it's starting to fall out. Lots! I'm not concerned since I knew this was going to happen. What I can't understand is why does it seem to be just my dark hair and not the white ones?!? Now when I look in the mirror, I see the white ones more exposed due to the loss of the dark ones. Of course it's also on the top and back of my head so I can't really see it, but other people can and do tell me so. Great. I guess this means that I'm coming to the point in my life where I'm going to have to start dyeing my hair. Well, I am 36. (whoa..I am getting old. For a minute there I had to calculate whether I was 36 or 37. I'm going to have to blame it on lack of sleep instead!) I can't believe I'll be 37 this sounds so old. Well, at least I can stay by this age I have a wonderful husband, house, and beautiful child. And so far, I'm 9 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
He Rolled Over!

A few weeks ago, he rolled from his stomach to his back. But,Yesterday, Wes rolled over from his back to his stomach! This is great news and bad news. Great that he was able to do it. Bad, because he really needs to be out of his swaddling miracle blanket. I don't want him to roll over and not be able to use his hands to push his head up if need be. For the last couple of weeks his sleeping has be erratic at night. Sometimes he would get up 2 times, sometimes 3. I decided to take one arm out of the swaddle. It took a couple of days, but it seemed to help him later sleep better. Yesterday, I've tried to not swaddle him during naps and he slept some long naps on his side. Last night he was swaddled with one arm and woke up at 11:30 and 2:00 and 5:30. At 5:30, he was completed unswaddled and lying on his side. Maybe he had this longer sleep because he was able to move around. Today, I unswaddled him again and he's been sleeping long naps again! Also, I put him down, he jolts awake, but was able to settle himself to sleep when I walked away.....hmmm. And, when I check on him, he's sleeping on his side. I'm hoping that it's the swaddling that's keeping him from sleeping. Today, we went out and I bought a sleep sack for him. Hopefully this will work out so I don't have to use a blanket to cover him.
Monday, June 26, 2006
4 More Weeks Left
4 more weeks left til I go back to work. Very mixed emotions about it. On the one hand, I'll have my own freedom back. It won't be as frustating being with him all day by myself. But, on the other hand, someone else will be taking care of my baby. I might miss his milestones. He'll have someone else who will be his focus. I won't be there for him as I was. I won't be there for him to look up and smile at. We won't have our many "conversations".
This morning, as I was laying down feeding Wes, I looked down at his face and already started missing him. Before having him, I never would have thought how hard this will be to leave him at daycare.
I called our daycare person today. I'm going to start bringing him over on 7/10. She'll be on vacation all next week. But I also might not be able to bring him over this week. Apparently, the Croup was going around over there. SCARY! The Daughter's child, who is only about 9-10 weeks old, got it. 10 days she was sick! It was hard for me when he had a minor cold, but CROUP! This is the one thing I'm really going to dread about daycare. Wes getting sick. I know it's going to happen and it seems like it will happen often. Our friends' son always seems to be sick. I can only hope that it will not be often, or at least nothing serious. I just want minor colds! Hopefully I can also get him a flu shot when the season hits.
Guess in a way, things might be easier since I won't be taking care of him full time, but harder if he doesn't sleep through the night and gets sick. You trade one thing for another thing. Still, there are and will be challenges and adjustments.
Last week he seemed to make quite a few milestones. He seemed to rollover from stomach to back and it not being an accident. He learned to suck his thumb. He is grasping and holding on more. He doesn't seem to be happy about this one, but he's learning to scooch on his stomach. Also, he learned to laugh! I'm glad I got to stay at home to see all this happen!
This morning, as I was laying down feeding Wes, I looked down at his face and already started missing him. Before having him, I never would have thought how hard this will be to leave him at daycare.
I called our daycare person today. I'm going to start bringing him over on 7/10. She'll be on vacation all next week. But I also might not be able to bring him over this week. Apparently, the Croup was going around over there. SCARY! The Daughter's child, who is only about 9-10 weeks old, got it. 10 days she was sick! It was hard for me when he had a minor cold, but CROUP! This is the one thing I'm really going to dread about daycare. Wes getting sick. I know it's going to happen and it seems like it will happen often. Our friends' son always seems to be sick. I can only hope that it will not be often, or at least nothing serious. I just want minor colds! Hopefully I can also get him a flu shot when the season hits.
Guess in a way, things might be easier since I won't be taking care of him full time, but harder if he doesn't sleep through the night and gets sick. You trade one thing for another thing. Still, there are and will be challenges and adjustments.
Last week he seemed to make quite a few milestones. He seemed to rollover from stomach to back and it not being an accident. He learned to suck his thumb. He is grasping and holding on more. He doesn't seem to be happy about this one, but he's learning to scooch on his stomach. Also, he learned to laugh! I'm glad I got to stay at home to see all this happen!
Friday, June 16, 2006
No more House Guests
A dog walker friend wanted us to watch her dog for several days while they were out of the US. We were hoping it would work out so we would have a sitter for Rudy when we needed it. We did a trial period yesterday. It didn't work out. I felt really bad, but there was no way I could deal with it for that long of a time period. I usually have a hard time saying no, but this time I had to do it. I know she's in a bind, but I also need my sanity.
Life really changes when you have a baby. I couldn't give her the attention she needed and I don't have the patience to train her as to what's ok and not ok around the house. A year ago, things would have been different. Rudy was like our number one priority. Plus she did a couple of things we were not happy about. She barked and cried in the middle of the night while i was feeding the baby and was digging into Jay's tomato plants. She's not used to a baby in the house and I can't watch her every single minute. And, my focus is on the baby. Dogs come second. She's a nice dog, but I'm still not comfortable with her around the baby. She's still an adolescent and still has that puppy energy.
After this sleepover, I have a whole new appreciation for Rudy and how he's behaved with Wes. My dog has been ignored too long...I'm going to give him some attention right now.
Life really changes when you have a baby. I couldn't give her the attention she needed and I don't have the patience to train her as to what's ok and not ok around the house. A year ago, things would have been different. Rudy was like our number one priority. Plus she did a couple of things we were not happy about. She barked and cried in the middle of the night while i was feeding the baby and was digging into Jay's tomato plants. She's not used to a baby in the house and I can't watch her every single minute. And, my focus is on the baby. Dogs come second. She's a nice dog, but I'm still not comfortable with her around the baby. She's still an adolescent and still has that puppy energy.
After this sleepover, I have a whole new appreciation for Rudy and how he's behaved with Wes. My dog has been ignored too long...I'm going to give him some attention right now.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
On Daddy's Tummy
After all this talk about sleep, I thought I would give you something different to see on my blog. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
5 hours again!
Last night, Wes slept 5 hours again! Too bad it's in the first half of the night. I still have to get up at around 1am. But, beggers can't be choosers. One more hour of sleep, and one less feeding is better than none. Now he just needs to sleep longer than 4am for the next feed. Well, last night he did come out of his swaddle and I'm assuming that was what woke him up so early. He is such a squirmy worm! He's living up to his chinese name "strong fighter". This Miracle Blanket is supposed to help him not get out of his swaddle. It's a lot better than the other cheapy ones, but he's like Houdini. He's now able get out of this too.
Weird how his sleeping seems to coincide with when he turned 12 weeks exactly! I'm still worried this might be just a tease. I'll believe it when we reach a week of the same thing.
Weird how his sleeping seems to coincide with when he turned 12 weeks exactly! I'm still worried this might be just a tease. I'll believe it when we reach a week of the same thing.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Red Egg and Ginger

Yesterday was Wesley's Red Egg and Ginger Party. Traditionally, this is his baby naming ceremony. But, for us, it's just a time for people to meet the baby and eat. They had fried chicken legs, shrimp, beef, chow mein, chinese chicken salad, and a whole roast pig with the head and everything. Jay's parents, Berney (who came all the way from Florida) and Wanda, came up with us to Oakland Chinatown. Also, Jay's sister Cheryl and her family came up from Temecula. We hadn't seen his dad or sister since the wedding (3 yrs ago). So it was really nice to see them all again.
The event started at 12pm and ended at 3pm. Wes was sleeping in the car for the hour ride. But as soon as we got to the restaurant, he got fussy. And then, he wouldn't stop! My worst fear came true. I had hoped he would sleep through the whole thing. He just wouldn't stop. After a half an hour, Paul asked me,"do you think he's hungry?"..DUH! He was right! After that, Wes did pretty good and also did sleep through most of the party in his Auntie Cheryl's arms. Thank God! Luckily we also brought the swing with us so that he could chill out for a little bit. With so much going on, I almost felt like it was my wedding all over again. Everyone is wanting to talk to you and with so much going on, you can't wrap your head around the conversation. Just nod your head and say yes and smile. I can't remember half of the conversations that people talked to me about. Most of it is "you have a beautiful baby" (me, smile) "thank you".
Guess what? I don't know if it was due to the party or not, but Wes slept a little over 5 hours last night! From 8pm to after 1am! It's also strange too that yesterday he turned 12 weeks old. I'm really hoping it's because he's gotten older. I'm crossing my fingers that it's not a fluke and that's he's a text book baby. On his tummy, he can lift his head 90 degrees and able to turn it too; put his hands together; has been "talking", smiling, and laughing for a while; and following things with his eyes. He is so much more active now. Always kicking and scooting on his back. Alot of times when I come to pick him up in his bassinet or crib, he's turned himself horizontally! We're still dealing with again the CIO as of yesterday and today, but that was due to family being over. It's getting better. I'm hoping it will be over by tomorrow when things start settling down again.
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