After we got back from the hospital on Tuesday, we went for our 2 day check up on Thursday. Unfortuantely, Wes had Jaundice. We had to go back to the hospital and stay overnight. Wes had to be under ultraviolet light for 24 hours in a incubator/isolette with foam goggles. I was there in the room and had to feed him every 2 hours and do diaper changes. The so called "bed" was a recliner that either sat upright or all the way down. It was low to the ground and very uncomfortable. Not fun with my stiches and such. Since the seat was low and the arm rests were very high, I couldn't breasfeed and had to resort to either pumping my milk and bottle feeding it to him or use formula. To make things worse, I also had roomates that had visitors constantly coming and going. Good thing they have a limit on when visitors can be there. But, the next morning everything was OK and the Doctor gave us the OK. He score went from a 19.6 to an 11 which was really good. As you can see, they let us keep the goggles. I thought i would throw in a pic of him with them since it looks like he's going skiing!