Saturday, we had our all day Childbirth Preparation Class. It went from 9am to 5pm. Ick. If we didn’t go to this class, we would have to do four 3-hour night classes instead. Plus, this class had Child Car Seat Installation with the CHP.
Jay and I go to class and we find out our baby is the youngest one there (and my stomach was the smallest one there). Everyone was due in late January or Mid February! I think January is cutting it too close! I wanted to attend this class early just in case the baby came early, didn’t know if a class would be full, and I wasn’t sure if it would interfere with the Baby Shower.
The instructor talked a lot about the process of labor. And we only did one breathing technique. No relaxation or visualizing exercises. It was OK. Guess it was more of an eye opener as to what’s going to be happening to your body. Ugh. Give me the Epidural! Guess I’ll see how long I can stand the pain.
With the Breathing technique, it helped that I used to lift weights. I think I’m better focused now then before I used to lift weights. Especially when Jay got to clip a clothes pin on my body (and make me hold an ice cube) while I tried to take the focus off the pinching pain! You know he enjoyed that. The only time I swatted his hand away was when he put it on my nose…that really hurt since he put it on the tip of my nose (a little skin and a little cartilage)!
Also, I had to go to the dentist today. Wednesday I felt a sharp pain in my upper right molar when I bit down on something. I find out that I have a cracked filling and small cavity on the same tooth. But, they can’t do anything about it til I have the baby. ARGH! I made an appt for April 18th, hoping I can get this taken care of ASAP. Hopefully it won’t be a problem while the baby is one month old. Don’t know how I will be with the baby by then.