If anyone asks about my baby theme, I seem to be going towards Whales and Giraffes. I know, weird combination. I have a couple of Giraffe outfits and they are so cute! Seems like Carters has the Giraffes. I can't seem to find them at Target. I'm liking the animals..not into the the sports or transportation themes. A couple of days ago, Jay put together this nursery cart. I started filling it up with stuff I've been holding in a drawer. Also, in the drawer, I started to finally start hanging up the baby clothes I have gotten as gifts (so far I have yet to buy an outfit..but something tells me that is going to change real soon!) when I pulled them out of the drawer, my heart melted...I was thinking "awwww!" I guess since it's getting closer and baby things are now coming out, I'm having more of a visual of the baby. Before, I never felt that. I think it was because I felt it was such a long ways away. Now things are getting closer. My tummy has gotten a little bigger. He's kicking more strongly. And when he turns (I think), it now feels like worms inside me (I don't know how to explain that part..it gives me the Willy's when that happens) When he moves, I can now definitely feel him on the outside of my stomach. I also got this link from this website where you interact with the baby in the womb...it was so cute!
It made me get excited about when the baby will arrive.
But then I watched this other video and went "Ack!" http://www.thehappiestbaby.com/excerpts.htm
It was the video excerpt on babies. I don't remember them crying that loud! I was remembering cute, quiet little newborn cries.
I guess no matter how much you try to prepare yourself, you are still unprepared for what will happen once the baby arrives.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Erin asked me when I was doing another post. So, since I have an avid reader, I'll try to think of some stuff since the last time. Let's see, I've stopped having my Pie cravings. Lately I've been feeling like I did in the beginning of the pregnancy. Picky about what I want to eat and sometimes when I think something sounds good, it's not as good as I thought it was going to be. Mainly between the 5th and 6 1/2th month I was eating ALOT (that was my pie craving period). Now, it seems to have tapered down. I'm being grazing more again. And, I'm not eating big portions. Part of it probably has to do with feeling a little acid reflux. I'm starting to crave more of the healthy stuff again instead of the sugary fatty foods. I'm back to eating at least one piece of fruit a day. And, and at work I've been nibbling on a lot of almonds, cashews, and dried cranberries. Jay brought in the last of the tomatoes off his plants. I'm getting that ick feeling about tomatoes again. It's very strange how my feelings of food has been. Jay, on the other hand, has been having some cravings of this own. Lately he's been telling me that he's been craving Nachos, Beef, and Anchovie Pizza! (not all together) I don't know if I mentioned it in my previous post, but he's also starting having acid reflux the same time that I did. Sometimes I wonder who the pregnant one is!
Last night, Jay FINALLY got to feel the baby kick. Before, everytime he tried to feel him kick, either the kick wasn't hard enough or the baby just didn't want to do it. It was good that there was that interaction between them, since the last time was the ultrasound. It was good to share that experience with him and baby again. Since people and myself see that I look small for almost 7 months (I'll be 7 on Tuesday), I look and feel more chubby than pregnant. It's when he kicks I think, oh yea, I'm pregnant. It seems weird right now. I'm sure it's going to be different once the 3rd trimester hits.
Here are some pics of the crib I thought I'd share. We still haven't figured out how we are going to configure or decorate the rest of the room. Also, Wanda made the sock monkey and the little tomato hat!

Here are some pics of the crib I thought I'd share. We still haven't figured out how we are going to configure or decorate the rest of the room. Also, Wanda made the sock monkey and the little tomato hat!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Six and Half Months
Here’s a pic of me at 6 ½ months. Ugh..guess I'll never think my pregnant belly pictures will look like good pictures:

Well, I think the Honeymoon phase is slowly coming to an end. In the past week, I have had calf cramps in the middle of the night and an itchy rash on my stomach. I think the leg cramps are worse. It’s usually in the middle of night, where I’m struggling to turn on my other side with the snoogle body pillow in my way and my calf cramps up. Sometimes I can prevent it before it really hits, but other times it happens. Those really suck cuz I can’t just jump out of bed. Instead I’m struggling to stretch out the calf in bed with the body pillow in my way. I don’t know if I’m waking Jay up or he’s getting used to me shaking the bed when I’m twisting and turning.
So I went to the Dr. yesterday for the Rash. It’s been 2 weeks since I last saw him. They wanted to me to come in after I called the advice nurse. My appt was at 3:15 and it took FOREVER for him to see me. He looked at my stomach and said it was due to hormones and it will probably come and go. GREAT. I also decided to do my Glucose Test for Pregnancy diabetes since I was already there. I would’ve had to leave work early again next week, if I didn’t do it now. Drink an orange soda, wait an hour, then get pricked with a needle. After that, I had to go to the pharmacy and get my hydrocortisone prescription. Even though I live 2 miles away from the hospital, I didn’t home til 5:30pm. I was at the hospital for 2 hours.
Jay’s been supportive. I get back massages from him, which is nice. I think, though, he’s getting Pregnancy sympathy symptoms. Lately, he’s been getting acid reflux around the same time I started getting them. Also, he's been like me since I've been pregnant, you say one thing, and he think's it's something else (could be our lack of sleep)..weird

Well, I think the Honeymoon phase is slowly coming to an end. In the past week, I have had calf cramps in the middle of the night and an itchy rash on my stomach. I think the leg cramps are worse. It’s usually in the middle of night, where I’m struggling to turn on my other side with the snoogle body pillow in my way and my calf cramps up. Sometimes I can prevent it before it really hits, but other times it happens. Those really suck cuz I can’t just jump out of bed. Instead I’m struggling to stretch out the calf in bed with the body pillow in my way. I don’t know if I’m waking Jay up or he’s getting used to me shaking the bed when I’m twisting and turning.
So I went to the Dr. yesterday for the Rash. It’s been 2 weeks since I last saw him. They wanted to me to come in after I called the advice nurse. My appt was at 3:15 and it took FOREVER for him to see me. He looked at my stomach and said it was due to hormones and it will probably come and go. GREAT. I also decided to do my Glucose Test for Pregnancy diabetes since I was already there. I would’ve had to leave work early again next week, if I didn’t do it now. Drink an orange soda, wait an hour, then get pricked with a needle. After that, I had to go to the pharmacy and get my hydrocortisone prescription. Even though I live 2 miles away from the hospital, I didn’t home til 5:30pm. I was at the hospital for 2 hours.
Jay’s been supportive. I get back massages from him, which is nice. I think, though, he’s getting Pregnancy sympathy symptoms. Lately, he’s been getting acid reflux around the same time I started getting them. Also, he's been like me since I've been pregnant, you say one thing, and he think's it's something else (could be our lack of sleep)..weird
Thursday, December 01, 2005
This Past Weekend
Jay and I decided to use our Movie Gift Certificate from our Broker on Saturday. We thought we'd better start using it now before the baby comes. So, at 1pm, we decided to head for the mall to see Harry Potter. Yup..1pm on a SATURDAY when all the holiday shoppers are out! The parking lot was packed! But around the corner there was a parking spot in the front of the mall..it had a Expecting Baby sign. Hey, I'm not like 9 months pregnant nor bulging out like crazy yet, but they never said how pregnant you have to be. So, we took it....hee hee hee. It only took us a few minutes from the street to the parking lot to the parking spot. I guess it's on the honor system there. I told Jay if they ask, I can lift up my shirt or they call call the hospital. We were a little worried, but when we came out from the movie, there was no ticket and our car was still there. I should be taking advantage of this spot in the future while I still have the chance! Am I being Chinese? =D
Saturday, November 26, 2005
24 weeks (6 mos)
I went yesterday for my dr.'s appt. I gained 6 pounds! So far, I've gained a total of 9 lbs since I became pregnant. Everyone has commented how small I am, but the Dr. measured my stomach and said I'm on target. So, everything is good.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Funny Baby Stuff
Monday, November 14, 2005
Five and Half Months

Tomorrow I will be 23 weeks pregnant. Wow. Doesn't seem real. Sometimes it does not feel like I'm pregnant, then the baby kicks. I went to the mall yesterday with a friend. I thought I did pretty good. Walked for about 3 1/2 hours. Didn't realized I would be paying for it later. My back was so sore. I also had to walk the dog since Jay had to go to work. Towards the end, I was rubbing my lower back. It was time to go in. I bought a Pre-natal Pilates video at the mall and tried to do some of the exercises later that night. It helped a little. I should've realized how weak my pelvic muscles were. I get sore there when I'm sleeping on my side. Poor Jay has to deal with me (sticky with Stretch Mark Cream) tossing and turning with my Snoogle. It's been getting very crowded in the bed. The Snoogle seems like a fence in our bed. It's Jay, the snoogle, then me. In a way it feels lonely, like I'm sleeping by myself...hello over there! Women say they can't wait to eat all kinds of food that they were denied in pregnancy. I, on the other hand, can't wait to sleep on my back and get rid of the snoogle once the baby is born.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
22 Weeks
I still can't upload any pictures. Something is wrong with this site. Anyhoo, I can't believe that I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant! Less than 4 months to go! Yikes! Erin and Mike came over this past weekend to help paint the room and put up the crib. Thanks, guys for your help! Right now we have a light blue room with a white crib. Can't wait for the Whales Tales Bedding to come in! Hopefully when it's set up I will be able to post a picture again.
Ever since I was at 21 weeks, I'm feeling more thumps now than flutters. It seems like it's been every day. I didn't know they kick so much. But it is reassuring to know he's ok. But, please stop kicking the bladder. Omph! My next appointment with the Dr. is 11/25..the day after Xmas.
Yes it is official. The many comments I've been getting isn't that my stomach is growing, it's, "you're boobs are huge!" So apparently, no, I'm not having a baby. I'm having Twins...my BOOBS. And, from what I've been told and read, they're just going to get bigger...GRE-AAT...
If you heard about the Plasma TV being busted, still waiting to see if we can get it fixed for free. Hopefully I'll hear back this week..if not, I'm going to do a follow up call. Crossing my fingers....
Ever since I was at 21 weeks, I'm feeling more thumps now than flutters. It seems like it's been every day. I didn't know they kick so much. But it is reassuring to know he's ok. But, please stop kicking the bladder. Omph! My next appointment with the Dr. is 11/25..the day after Xmas.
Yes it is official. The many comments I've been getting isn't that my stomach is growing, it's, "you're boobs are huge!" So apparently, no, I'm not having a baby. I'm having Twins...my BOOBS. And, from what I've been told and read, they're just going to get bigger...GRE-AAT...
If you heard about the Plasma TV being busted, still waiting to see if we can get it fixed for free. Hopefully I'll hear back this week..if not, I'm going to do a follow up call. Crossing my fingers....
Monday, October 31, 2005
Time to Post Again
Well, I think my stomach just expanded over the weekend. Yesterday morning I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Decided to get up and felt pain and heaviness from my uterus. I had to hobble to the bathroom. I thought it must be the round ligaments expanding my uterus, but I haven’t felt that much pain. I’ve felt the round ligaments before and would just rub the sides of my stomach when they got sore.
I was a little worried it might be something else. But when I laid down on the couch, it went away. It was only when I stood or sat up. I had to skip the morning doggie walk and lay there for 2 hours! The pain and heaviness slowly became a sore ache. I think I didn’t feel normal til the late afternoon. I guess that’s what happens when you’re 20 weeks pregnant (more that half way there) and still not showing significantly yet. My boobs are still bigger than my stomach. It looks like I have a thick waist right now. When the baby moves I used to feel flutters. Lately, I’m now starting to feel “thumps”
I also forgot to mention our trip to Carmel. This was our vacation before the baby arrived. We left Thursday Night on 10/13 and came back on Sunday. Since Carmel is famous for it’s dog-friendliness, we took Rudy with us. We’re starting to find that our dog gets carsick. At first, we thought it might be the winding roads. Nope, the dog just gets sick…I’m wondering if it’s because he has too much room in the back where he flops around. Luckily Jay is always prepared and had Moving Blankets all over the seats and floor.
We stayed at this place called the Hofas House. It sounds the way it looks. Very Bavarian looking. What you seeing the in cartoon postcard (that I will have to post later since the server seems to be having pictures loading issues), it is EXACTLY the way it looks…like a Gingerbread House. When I checked in, they gave us a map of downtown stores and some doggie biscuits. In the room they had a dog bowl for food and water and a doggie blanket. It was stuffy when we got in the room. I couldn’t find the thermostat. Where’s the air conditioner?!? Apparently they didn’t have one. Carmel doesn’t have air conditioning since the Hotels are usually old and the weather is usually cool. So, to get some cool air in you have to open up the windows and open up the half door. I felt like I was back in the dorm rooms. But, it didn’t take long to cool the room once we opened the door and windows. During our stay we left the bathroom window opened all the time and it kept the room at a good temperature.
Friday I took Rudy for a walk. Even though he was on the leash, he seems very happy to sniff around at all the new stuff. Took him back up into the room and then went to the lobby to get our Continental breakfast…not bad. Today was Monterey Bay Aquarium. We dropped Rudy off at Doggie Day Care in Monterey. It was a place where he could move around and not be stuck in the cage all day. We have never left Rudy in Boarding so it was like dropping off our child at school for the first time. He was really scared at first, then got a little better. The Guy there knew what he was doing to get Rudy acclimated…wait a while all three of us were in the same room. After a while of being there, he told us a couple of times, “Ok, you can leave now”, but we didn’t budge. We were both nervous of leaving him behind! Previously, when I had to drop Rudy off in the morning to get his teeth deep cleaned at the Vet, he cried (softly howled) the whole time til I came to get him in the afternoon. So, off we went to the Aquarium. It was good seeing it again. It always seems so short once you walk around. They added a couple of things, like the Jelly Fish Exhibit (cool) and the Sharks Exhibit. Still, it took us about a couple of hours to do the whole Aquarium. We then went to lunch at a Seafood place (we both found not as good as the Fish Market and Very Pricey) and then went to pick up Rudy. Boy, was he happy to see us! We walked around Carmel the rest of the day. For some reason, Rudy wanted to go into all the Art Galleries. Jay thought he must’ve been an Artist in a previous life. We found a doggie store and let Rudy pick out his toy. Couldn’t believe all the cutsie outfits you could fit your dog in….weird. Ok, you might have thought we were weird bringing our dog and letting our dog pick out his toy, but buying these clothes for your dog was REALLY weird. At Dinner, we went to this German/French restaurant. Since we had Rudy, we had to eat on the patio. Food was Pricey (as it seems to be in Carmel) but very good! And, they gave Rudy a biscuit and a tiny hamburger patty filled with rice and garlic – for free!
Saturday, we went to breakfast. We again had to eat on the patio since we had the dog, seems to be normal…if there is a patio, you can bring your dog. It took FOREVER to get a seat since we could only eat on the patio. Ordered breakfast. I got a side of sausage for Rudy…hee,hee,hee. We were surprised at how well he was doing since he’s more comfortable around other dogs than other people. He pretty much sat quietly – it helped that we were feeding him while we had our breakfast. Walked again downtown and found another Doggie Store. Bought him another toy. Walked to a Deli and picked up lunch then walked to the Beach. It was 5 blocks down the hill. Rudy got excited when he was in the sand, but then started backing up once he saw the waves. Jay picked a spot. It was near this couple that had a few blankets around and a makeshift table. As we were eating our lunch, around we noticed that more people started showing up near the couple. Also the couple was placing baskets of silverware and cloth napkins at each blanket…curious…then a Musician starts showing up and sets up near us. We find out we are going to be crashing a wedding! Who knew?!? Nobody was dressed up. We left before it got too uncomfortable. As we climbed the hill, I had to rest at every single block – luckily they had a bench at every stop. Later, our neighbor, her boyfriend, and her dog, Choto, were down in Carmel as well and met us for Dinner at Forge in the Forest. We sat at the Patio again. This time the Patio was called “The Dog Pound”. This restaurant had a special doggie Menu. You can get a Plain Ol’ Kibble, Hot Diggity Dog, Quarter Hounder, Hen House Chicken Strips, or the Good Dog (which is a 6 oz Grilled New York Steak!) We both ordered the “Quarter Hounder” for our dogs, which was hamburger. Choto is tiny and only ate ½ of his. Rudy at all his in 10 seconds flat, then ate Choto’s when we all told him it was OK and kept pushing the food towards him. Funny Dog.
Sunday, did our finally morning walk and checked out. Store owners were pretty nice during our stay in Carmel and kept giving Rudy Milk Bones. We found out Rudy does not like Milk Bones. Either he spit them out, or didn’t want them. Basically the Dog got really spoiled, but it was all fun! (and the threw up again on the way home)
I was a little worried it might be something else. But when I laid down on the couch, it went away. It was only when I stood or sat up. I had to skip the morning doggie walk and lay there for 2 hours! The pain and heaviness slowly became a sore ache. I think I didn’t feel normal til the late afternoon. I guess that’s what happens when you’re 20 weeks pregnant (more that half way there) and still not showing significantly yet. My boobs are still bigger than my stomach. It looks like I have a thick waist right now. When the baby moves I used to feel flutters. Lately, I’m now starting to feel “thumps”
I also forgot to mention our trip to Carmel. This was our vacation before the baby arrived. We left Thursday Night on 10/13 and came back on Sunday. Since Carmel is famous for it’s dog-friendliness, we took Rudy with us. We’re starting to find that our dog gets carsick. At first, we thought it might be the winding roads. Nope, the dog just gets sick…I’m wondering if it’s because he has too much room in the back where he flops around. Luckily Jay is always prepared and had Moving Blankets all over the seats and floor.
We stayed at this place called the Hofas House. It sounds the way it looks. Very Bavarian looking. What you seeing the in cartoon postcard (that I will have to post later since the server seems to be having pictures loading issues), it is EXACTLY the way it looks…like a Gingerbread House. When I checked in, they gave us a map of downtown stores and some doggie biscuits. In the room they had a dog bowl for food and water and a doggie blanket. It was stuffy when we got in the room. I couldn’t find the thermostat. Where’s the air conditioner?!? Apparently they didn’t have one. Carmel doesn’t have air conditioning since the Hotels are usually old and the weather is usually cool. So, to get some cool air in you have to open up the windows and open up the half door. I felt like I was back in the dorm rooms. But, it didn’t take long to cool the room once we opened the door and windows. During our stay we left the bathroom window opened all the time and it kept the room at a good temperature.
Friday I took Rudy for a walk. Even though he was on the leash, he seems very happy to sniff around at all the new stuff. Took him back up into the room and then went to the lobby to get our Continental breakfast…not bad. Today was Monterey Bay Aquarium. We dropped Rudy off at Doggie Day Care in Monterey. It was a place where he could move around and not be stuck in the cage all day. We have never left Rudy in Boarding so it was like dropping off our child at school for the first time. He was really scared at first, then got a little better. The Guy there knew what he was doing to get Rudy acclimated…wait a while all three of us were in the same room. After a while of being there, he told us a couple of times, “Ok, you can leave now”, but we didn’t budge. We were both nervous of leaving him behind! Previously, when I had to drop Rudy off in the morning to get his teeth deep cleaned at the Vet, he cried (softly howled) the whole time til I came to get him in the afternoon. So, off we went to the Aquarium. It was good seeing it again. It always seems so short once you walk around. They added a couple of things, like the Jelly Fish Exhibit (cool) and the Sharks Exhibit. Still, it took us about a couple of hours to do the whole Aquarium. We then went to lunch at a Seafood place (we both found not as good as the Fish Market and Very Pricey) and then went to pick up Rudy. Boy, was he happy to see us! We walked around Carmel the rest of the day. For some reason, Rudy wanted to go into all the Art Galleries. Jay thought he must’ve been an Artist in a previous life. We found a doggie store and let Rudy pick out his toy. Couldn’t believe all the cutsie outfits you could fit your dog in….weird. Ok, you might have thought we were weird bringing our dog and letting our dog pick out his toy, but buying these clothes for your dog was REALLY weird. At Dinner, we went to this German/French restaurant. Since we had Rudy, we had to eat on the patio. Food was Pricey (as it seems to be in Carmel) but very good! And, they gave Rudy a biscuit and a tiny hamburger patty filled with rice and garlic – for free!
Saturday, we went to breakfast. We again had to eat on the patio since we had the dog, seems to be normal…if there is a patio, you can bring your dog. It took FOREVER to get a seat since we could only eat on the patio. Ordered breakfast. I got a side of sausage for Rudy…hee,hee,hee. We were surprised at how well he was doing since he’s more comfortable around other dogs than other people. He pretty much sat quietly – it helped that we were feeding him while we had our breakfast. Walked again downtown and found another Doggie Store. Bought him another toy. Walked to a Deli and picked up lunch then walked to the Beach. It was 5 blocks down the hill. Rudy got excited when he was in the sand, but then started backing up once he saw the waves. Jay picked a spot. It was near this couple that had a few blankets around and a makeshift table. As we were eating our lunch, around we noticed that more people started showing up near the couple. Also the couple was placing baskets of silverware and cloth napkins at each blanket…curious…then a Musician starts showing up and sets up near us. We find out we are going to be crashing a wedding! Who knew?!? Nobody was dressed up. We left before it got too uncomfortable. As we climbed the hill, I had to rest at every single block – luckily they had a bench at every stop. Later, our neighbor, her boyfriend, and her dog, Choto, were down in Carmel as well and met us for Dinner at Forge in the Forest. We sat at the Patio again. This time the Patio was called “The Dog Pound”. This restaurant had a special doggie Menu. You can get a Plain Ol’ Kibble, Hot Diggity Dog, Quarter Hounder, Hen House Chicken Strips, or the Good Dog (which is a 6 oz Grilled New York Steak!) We both ordered the “Quarter Hounder” for our dogs, which was hamburger. Choto is tiny and only ate ½ of his. Rudy at all his in 10 seconds flat, then ate Choto’s when we all told him it was OK and kept pushing the food towards him. Funny Dog.
Sunday, did our finally morning walk and checked out. Store owners were pretty nice during our stay in Carmel and kept giving Rudy Milk Bones. We found out Rudy does not like Milk Bones. Either he spit them out, or didn’t want them. Basically the Dog got really spoiled, but it was all fun! (and the threw up again on the way home)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
3rd Dr's Appt
I went for my 3rd Dr.'s Appt yesterday. He gave me a review on the ultrasound. He said that everything is good. The baby's growth is on schedule. Did not see any issues. It was good to hear. I also gained 1 1/2 lbs! He wasn't really concerned about it since the baby's growth and the uterus growth were where they should be in size at 19 weeks along. He also changed my due date again...now it's March 14th. This baby seems to be coming earlier and earlier everytime I go to the hospital!
I didn't show them in my last post, but here are the pictures from the second ultrasound. Hopefully you can figure them out. I know Jay and I had a hard time trying to tell what they were.
I didn't show them in my last post, but here are the pictures from the second ultrasound. Hopefully you can figure them out. I know Jay and I had a hard time trying to tell what they were.

Thursday, October 20, 2005
This has happened ever since the 2nd Ultrasound. Jay and I will be watching TV and a specific commercial will come on. I’ll hear, “YES!” or “AWL YEA!”, next to me. I look over and Jay’s got this excited look on his face. What are we looking at? Boy Toy commercials! Anything that has to do with Soldiers, Pirates, etc. I can tell he can’t wait to play with these toys. Well, I can’t blame him. I’d probably be doing the same thing if the baby was a girl… Easy Bake Oven, Barbie Styling Head, oh and Skip-It’s are fun! At the time, mine had a Lemon on it instead of the pink ball with the star you see below. Hours of fun!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Ultrasound #2
Jay and I went to our 2nd ultrasound last Monday. This time I brought the video camera. Jay thought it was a little weird, but I’m glad I did. The 2nd person who did the ultrasound was an older Asian man. He wasn’t as good as our first technician. Most of the time he was moving so fast we didn’t know what we were looking at. And the pictures he gave us weren’t that good. I couldn’t tell what I was looking at.
Apparently Jay Jr. was also being “stubborn”. He just kept sleeping no matter how much the technician tried to shake my belly and saying, “wake up, baby”. (I know another person who loves to sleep…like father like son….) And, the baby wouldn’t get in a good position for the tech to see. The baby decided to stay cramped in the corner. The baby finally turned, the tech goes in to get a better look at the heart, seconds later the baby decides to turn back. Jay Jr. just didn’t want to be bothered.
Finally we see some movement! We got a view of the top of his head. Next thing we know we see this arm move and see his fingers patting his head! He seemed like a baby to me now…last ultrasound he seemed more like an alien. The first time you see your ultrasound is more of a shock that something is inside you and moving! He kicked around a little more, and then was done. Even though the tech didn’t get to get some good views, he said everything looked good.
A couple of days later, Jay was dozing on the bed. How did I find him? With this hand touching his head….
Apparently Jay Jr. was also being “stubborn”. He just kept sleeping no matter how much the technician tried to shake my belly and saying, “wake up, baby”. (I know another person who loves to sleep…like father like son….) And, the baby wouldn’t get in a good position for the tech to see. The baby decided to stay cramped in the corner. The baby finally turned, the tech goes in to get a better look at the heart, seconds later the baby decides to turn back. Jay Jr. just didn’t want to be bothered.
Finally we see some movement! We got a view of the top of his head. Next thing we know we see this arm move and see his fingers patting his head! He seemed like a baby to me now…last ultrasound he seemed more like an alien. The first time you see your ultrasound is more of a shock that something is inside you and moving! He kicked around a little more, and then was done. Even though the tech didn’t get to get some good views, he said everything looked good.
A couple of days later, Jay was dozing on the bed. How did I find him? With this hand touching his head….
Monday, October 10, 2005
Baby Names
Ok, we're getting confused with names...of course everyone has an opinion..but I thought this might be a little fun. (For Entertainment purposes only: We may or may not use this poll in our decision making..)
What should Baby Hann's Name Be? | |||
Wesley Dee | 0 | ||
Calvin Dee | 0 | ||
Nathan ??? | 2 | ||
Calvin Wesley | 1 | ||
Samuel Calvin | 0 | ||
Caleb Wesley | 1 | ||
Caleb Calvin | 1 | ||
Wesley ??? | 0 | ||
Other | 1 | ||
This Poll by profsprout | |||
Click here to view current results |
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Weekend News

We've had a pretty interesting weekend over here at the house. Friday, someone set the Port-a-Potty on fire, which is located near the school. Then yesterday, there was a hill fire behind our house around 5 pm. It looked really close. Luckily we have a street and the school to protect us. We decided to go out our back gate on to the school track and be lookie loos. There were two helicopters dumping water and a plane dumping that powder stuff whizzing over the school yard. We were able to see 3 firemen and a fire truck up on the mountain. We could also see the flames by the electrical towers. I think by the time we found out what was going on, it was mostly out by then. It looked like they put it out really fast.
Our neighbor, Debbie, was out with her dogs Tasha and Daisy. Rudy went out to greet them and Jay went over and was bending over and petting Tasha while she rolled in the grass. Another big dog that we know, Hoss, was also out. He came over to greet Jay. Jay said, "Hi Hoss" and was rubbing his head. The next thing he knew, Jay felt something wet running down his back! Hoss peed on him! Jay had just taken a shower mintues ago. Jay told me not to put the wet shirt in the hamper or in the house in case Rudy wanted to mark it too, so it went directly into the washer! And, of course, Jay took ANOTHER shower.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Maternity Clothes
Ugh! I had to buy more clothes on Thursday! I was sitting in my cube working on my computer, when I started to notice how the wide band maternity jeans were cutting into me! At lunch time, I ran out to Old Navy..this time to get the full panel Jeans..changed in the bathroom at work and felt so much better..They're still loose, but I'm sure I'll grow into them. I also bought another short sleeved T-shirt at Motherhood Maternity. This weather has been so strange here..it's been going up and down from mid 70's to mid 80's. So, far I've worn short-sleeved T-shirts and a long sleeved T shirt. Everyone outside my department doesn't seem to notice I'm wearing maternity clothes. Either they think I'm wearing weird long shirts or they think I'm getting heftier! Ha! Ha!

Well, my top side is bigger (..I think it's hiding my stomach.)
Course you never want to approach a woman and be totally wrong! Saw that happen to an old co-worker. Antother co-worker asked when the baby was due. She had the baby quite a few months ago...Yikes!
Well, my top side is bigger (..I think it's hiding my stomach.)
Sunday, October 02, 2005
I finally told my boss, the bigger bosses, and other people in my department about the pregnancy. It went better than I thought. 3 people in my department already knew (they figured it out after I did not eat the raw sushi) Got a hug from my old boss, who is now the VP of our department and the Director told me to take as much time off as I can. Probably the one who was not totally thrilled was my direct boss. Cuz right now I'm the only one working under him. When I told the Director I was worried about taking too much time off, he told me not to worry about it and let them worry about who's going to do my work while I'm gone. So that was good to hear.
So, it's looking like this, I take the short-term disability (~6 weeks -75% of base pay, not including my bonus in there) then 6 weeks of Family Leave (55% of gross pay) and then I have the option of taking up to 6 weeks of Paid Time Off (my Vacation-full salary). I'm not going to get my full salary for the disability and Family Leave...so I might as well try for the additional 6 weeks of Paid Time Off cuz I get my full salary back. Wow! That's 4 months off! Better than I hoped. Not so good on the cutbacks...oh well, can't have everything. At least I have tons of Paid Time Off I've been hoarding. After the six weeks of Paid Time Off, I'll still will have more than 23 days left!
So, it's looking like this, I take the short-term disability (~6 weeks -75% of base pay, not including my bonus in there) then 6 weeks of Family Leave (55% of gross pay) and then I have the option of taking up to 6 weeks of Paid Time Off (my Vacation-full salary). I'm not going to get my full salary for the disability and Family Leave...so I might as well try for the additional 6 weeks of Paid Time Off cuz I get my full salary back. Wow! That's 4 months off! Better than I hoped. Not so good on the cutbacks...oh well, can't have everything. At least I have tons of Paid Time Off I've been hoarding. After the six weeks of Paid Time Off, I'll still will have more than 23 days left!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
We just got a call on our results today from the Amnio.....Great News! The baby is fine. You'll have to read Jay's blog, if you haven't already, on his take of the Amnio.
I also had a Dr.'s appt. today. I only gained 2 lbs in 4 weeks! (must've been on the chest....) Crazy...it's not that I'm not eating....I'm ALWAYS snacking. Baby's heartbeat was still strong, 140 beats. My new Dr. is a Male. First time I had a Male Dr. He seemed a little hyper/busy, but he was very nice and took the time to answer my questions. So, I guess I'll stick with him.
After the Dr.'s, I went on a little shopping spree. Finally wearing Maternity Clothes!..well I was already wearing the pants, but now I needed tops. I just kept feeling sloppy with what I had. I can't believe how many tops I had to buy! I didn't want to spend the money since it's still early and I could grow more than what I just bought. But, you gotta have at least 5 tops just to get you through the week. Hopefully I will be able to use them throughout the pregnancy...we'll see...
I also had a Dr.'s appt. today. I only gained 2 lbs in 4 weeks! (must've been on the chest....) Crazy...it's not that I'm not eating....I'm ALWAYS snacking. Baby's heartbeat was still strong, 140 beats. My new Dr. is a Male. First time I had a Male Dr. He seemed a little hyper/busy, but he was very nice and took the time to answer my questions. So, I guess I'll stick with him.
After the Dr.'s, I went on a little shopping spree. Finally wearing Maternity Clothes!..well I was already wearing the pants, but now I needed tops. I just kept feeling sloppy with what I had. I can't believe how many tops I had to buy! I didn't want to spend the money since it's still early and I could grow more than what I just bought. But, you gotta have at least 5 tops just to get you through the week. Hopefully I will be able to use them throughout the pregnancy...we'll see...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Today Jay and I went to our first ultrasound and amniocentisis. To see something alive and moving in my stomach was so weird for both of us! At first I felt I had to stay really still and stiff while she moved the mouse around my stomach. The baby was really moving around. It looked like the baby was saying, "Hey! Stop pushing me!" Trying to be stiff and seeing the little arms and legs move, I got the giggles.
The amnio wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm usually Ok with getting a needle in my arm, but I was a little nervous since I've never had a needle poked in my stomach before. It wasn't a big needle as I thought it was going to be. Both Jay and I didn't look as the needle went it. After it was all over and done with, I think it was a lot easier and less painful to handle than getting a needle in your arm.
BEWARE! Now, if you don't want to know the sex of our baby, don't continue to read my blog! You might have your answer if you keep reading!
If you can figure out this picture, you'll know if we are having a girl or a boy! (You're looking at the bottom of the baby)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
13 Weeks
I’m at week 13. Finishing up the 1st Trimester. I remember not too long ago finding out that someone was pregnant, the next thing I knew, they were having the baby! I’m realizing that it’s not that fast. It seems like it took forever just to get to the 1st Trimester! I think because of knowing about the possibility of miscarriage in the 1st Trimester, it was more nerve wracking than joyous. Every little twinge or “weird feeling” was scary, since I didn’t know if that was normal or not. As each week got closer to the 1st Trimester, I felt more confident about the pregnancy.
Now, since I just turned 36 this past Sunday, it will be just as nerve wracking when we get the results from the Amniocentisis to find out if there are any Chromosomal or Neural Tube Defects. We’ll have the Amnio done next Wednesday, but won’t find out the results until the end of September. Crossing our fingers that everything will be OK. So, as you can see, I’m anxious to just get this Amnio over and done with. Luckily, Jay will be there with me for support. And, we should be getting a picture of the ultrasound to take home! I’ll try to post it.
Now, since I just turned 36 this past Sunday, it will be just as nerve wracking when we get the results from the Amniocentisis to find out if there are any Chromosomal or Neural Tube Defects. We’ll have the Amnio done next Wednesday, but won’t find out the results until the end of September. Crossing our fingers that everything will be OK. So, as you can see, I’m anxious to just get this Amnio over and done with. Luckily, Jay will be there with me for support. And, we should be getting a picture of the ultrasound to take home! I’ll try to post it.
Thursday, September 01, 2005

Since I'm getting closer to my 2nd Trimester, I'm told that I will have to start sleeping on my side. Unfortuantely, I am a back sleeper. I've been trying lately to sleep on my side, but I wake up with backaches! So, I saw this pillow on the website and decided to get it. I tried it out on Monday night and I was able to sleep most of the night and did not wake up sore. It was so great! Apparently I'm not the only one who likes it. I found a certain someone who's been cuddling with it on the other side of the snoogle while I am sleeping and after I get up!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
1st Prenatal Dr's Visit

I had my first Dr.'s visit today. This won't be my regular Dr. After having an allergic reaction to a medication and her not responding back to give me a alternate medication 2 Times, I decided to go with another Dr. Actually she was nice, but with her being unresponsive in the past, I'm not going back to her.
So, when I got there, I jumped on the scale wondering how much I have gained. Apparently, I didn't! I haven't felt like I've gained weight, but I noticed my tummy is sticking out a little and my regular pants are tight. When I asked the Dr. how much should I gain, she said 35 lbs. 35 lbs! That's crazy! How am I supposed to gain 35 lbs, but I can't have junk food, salty foods, sweets, AND drink 12-14 glasses of Water! (that's three 32 oz big gulps!).. I'm kinda doing that right now (well,...except the salty) and you can't eat alot with all the bloating from the fiber & water. How am I going to gain weight?
I wasn't able to get an ultrasound (I'll have that on the early amnio on 9/14), but I was able to hear the baby's heart! It was so strange to hear that something is alive and growing inside you. Before today, the only thing that told me I was pregnant was a urine test. It didn't seem real until today..Jay and I would talk about the pregnancy, not about the baby...well, now I know there's something there...wow..there's a baby...
Friday, August 26, 2005

This is the first time I've ever done a "blog", but I thought this would be a great way for people to keep up to date on our boring lives. (Also a great place for Jay to post his Trophy Fishes!...please go to: jayhann.blogspot.com
And for those who don't know yet, we're Pregnant! The Due Date is March 17th, 2006. Apparently Jay will be very upset if the baby is not due on St. Patty's Day. He thinks the Due Date is SOOO COOOL. I'll also be having my first Pre-Natal appointment this Tueday. So, there will be upcoming news in the following months. We'll keep you posted.
(oh..and if you're wondering what that thing in the jar is...it's a Monkey Fetus..cute!)
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