Friday, May 22, 2009

Random Stuff

More Squirrel news. Wes decided to take squirrel out to the school yard with him. As he’s running across the field, it’s squeaking under his arm (since it is a dog toy). He stops and turns to Jay and says, “Daddy, it’s talking!”

A Clue

Wes has been starting to get into the TV show, Blue’s Clues. I like that show. I enjoyed it when Emma was a toddler. If you don’t know what it is, it’s about Steve (now a new guy, Joe) and his dog blue. Steve tries to solve what Blue wants to do by the 3 clues she gives him. She puts her paw print an item to tell Steve that this is the clue.

Well, I had recently bought some Softwalk flip flops online at a discount. So comfy! I hadn’t thrown away the shoe box and left it in the kitchen. Wes sees the box in the kitchen:

He brings the lid of the box to me and says, “A Clue! A Clue!”


Last night I had to retrieve a bell from last bunko game (that we play about once a month after dinner) from a friend’s house. Since I’ve had to do a couple of stops at some friend’s houses the last couple of nights, Wes has been saying to me, “Mommy, you can’t go to Bunko”. I reply back, “Sweetie, I’m not going to Bunko.” He reply’s back “Mommy, you can’t go to Bunko.” Over and Over! I read a blog a while back where her daughter would repeat the same question over and over. Someone told her it was because they keep doing that until they hear the answer they want to hear. Ah Ha! So finally I replied, “No, I’m coming home with you.” That seemed to work!

So, we retrieved the bell and are walking back to the school. Wes is ringing the bell so much, people at the school are turning around looking for the ice cream man to appear. One 4 year old in particular got really interested in the bell. He was gravitated to bell. It looked like English might be his second language, but Jay and I thought there was something “different” about him. He kept saying, “Bell…Bell” while following Wes around. We tried several times to get Wes to share since the other child was SO focused on it. Wes wouldn’t have it. Probably a little intimated by him and being a typical toddler with sharing issues. So we told the parents, maybe tomorrow. The parents were cool about it. Wes had a fall earlier and was being a whiny about his barely skinned knee. So he wanted to be carried. As I’m crossing the field to head home and Wes is ringing the bell, I hear this crying, “BELL!!!..BELL!!!!” The 4 year old was following us! He’s having a meltdown. I hear “BELL…BELL!!!” get closer and closer! I refuse to look back and pick up the pace. We got ourselves a stalker. I whisper to Wes, “Shush, don’t ring the bell, it’s getting the boy upset.” Wes whispers back, “Ok, Mommy.” Thank goodness the parents stopped him in the middle of the field by the time we got to our gate. “BEEEEELLLLL!!!!!!” Yikes! Ok, I’m done. I’m off to find a bell at World Market at lunch.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Squirrels and Bood-dies

It was so hot this weekend! Luckily we had 3 room air conditioners running in our house. It took us 4 years, but now things are pleasant in the whole house on a hot day. Sunday, we decided to go to lunch, then go to the pet store get away from the heat. It’s a cheap way to entertain the kid with animals. Apparently, we are not the only ones who do this.

After looking at all the rodents, fish, and reptiles; we trek over to the dog toys. Wes grabs a stuffed squirrel. Jay asks Wes, “Oh, is this for Rudy?” “No.” “But these are toys for Rudy” Wes replies, “No, Rudy has his toys. This is mine”. Aye Ya. So, no animal for Rudy, but maybe with Wes having this furry squirrel, he won’t need my pony tail as a security blanket. We finally got a name out as to what this squirrel’s name is. It’s “Skuirel”. Apparently, I need to teach my son about the proper way on how to name his stuff animals. Hmmm, or maybe it’s a girl thing to name your stuff animals?

That night, I caught Jay lovingly tucking in “Skuirel” in a blanket for Wes to find in the morning. I enjoy these little surprises that he does:

Wesley has a fascination with “Bood-dies”. I got a Victoria Secret catalog in the mail the other day. Wes looks over my shoulder, smiling, as I’m flipping through the pages. As I set it down on the couch, he takes the magazine and starts flipping through the pages with his flashlight whispering “bood-dies”…”bood-dies”. Jay is watching him with a smug look on his face, thinking that’s my boy, he’s starting early!

Later that day, Wes says, “I want to see male Bood-dies.” I said out loud to myself, “What is he talking about?” Jay replies, painfully, “He was looking at the TV. He saw (the commercial for) the Biggest Loser.” OH!!! HA, HA! I said, “I guess you’ll have to tell him the difference between female bood-dies and male bood-dies.” “Yea, female bood-dies, good. Male bood-dies, not good.”

I thought about that “Bood-die” incident again as we are getting ready for bed and started laughing. Jay replies, distrurbed, “That's not funny.”